Product Identification

10th May — 2022
· news

Authenticity & Traceability

There are two important pillars that drive product and business development at Gravalot: authenticity and traceability. Authenticity refers to the origin of a product with the quality of being genuine or not counterfeit and traceability refers to a product's history and the ability to track it from source to the end consumer.
These pillars help keep our business transparent and accountable for any claims that we make and boosts customer confidence in our brand, such as not using child labor or sweatshop conditions, nor use materials from endangered species or other illegal sources. Trademarks and copyrights can only go so far in protecting our brand's intellectual property and it can be hard to achieve in a world where so many products are mass-produced by machines or outsourced overseas.

Introducing Inventory Labels

We embarked on a journey to track each garment manufactured at our factories, and provide this information to customers directly. Starting in May 2022, all Gravalot products can be traced via our inventory page, with inventory labels affixed to product swing tags to help customers see where our products originate.
The inventory label consists of three elements: QR code, Inventory ID and product size. The QR code when scanned with a phone will link directly the the product's traceability page, for example #42W0UQN7BGK. The Inventory ID is an eleven digit identifier unique to each and every product and allows the tracing of a product through to its production batch.

Going Forwards

We look forward to deepening our trust with our customers by verifying the source of materials used in production further. Also, we'll look to use third party independent inspection companies at every step along the supply chain to conduct audits on factories and ensure they are adhering to international labor laws and environmental standards. Finally we'll look to verifying product authenticity through testing methods such as 3D scanning technology, fibre and DNA analysis to close the transparency gap at all stages of our supply chain.